The ceiling caved in.

No, that is not a metaphor. Our ceiling caved in because my boyfriend fell through it. Yep, that is correct… OUCH!! We were moving wires in our attic and then… boom and crash! His legs went on separate sides of a beam and his legs made a hole in our living room ceiling. I am just glad he is okay. It could have been worse.

Anyway, I am sending out good vibes and warm thoughts to you all.

Another day

Days go by.
Weeks go by.
Years go by.
Time goes on.
Life goes on.
Life ends.
Death wins.

Yep, work is B O R I N G!!!

That and cycling off my meds is going better than I thought. I just haven’t had a full night of sleep. I keep waking up and can’t seem to keep my brain asleep. Ugh. Oh well, I am sure that I will adjust to my new regimen soon. If not, oh well.

So, what do you have planned for this weekend? Me, I have nothing planned. I hope it stays that way.

Anyway, I am sending out good vibes and warm thoughts to you all! Have a great weekend.

Another weekend on the horizon… well, duh, time doesn’t stand still…

Yep, after work tomorrow we will start another weekend. And, this up and coming weekend is full of plans. I have to shave tonight because I will not have time to do so after work tomorrow. Then, we have a house party to attend tomorrow night. Then, we have to leave the party early so my boyfriend can attend a pre-release for MTG (Magic The Gathering). Saturday, I am not quite sure what our day plans are, but that night we are going to the club. Also, we are taking a single male friend with us to the club. We are not taking him for our use, but taking him because he really wants to go. Then, on Sunday I get to drive my boyfriend to the airport. He is flying to NY for work training. That drive is around 3 hours and then, I get to drive back home… hopefully, I will be able to have a riding companion. I do not want to fall asleep on the way back. Once I get back, I will be lonely.

The start of the new work week will begin the following day before 7 am. Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday are going to be ssdd… but, then after work on Wednesday I will drive another 3 hours to go pick my boyfriend back up from the airport. I am going to have to either switch Thursday with the teenager or just not go in at all.

Also, a few things… I went to the specialist for my IC and I have revised my plan for my medications. I am going to be tapering off of most of my medications, which is great, but then I am also going to be giving myself another catheter too. So, I will be taking less medication, but adding another catheter. I hope that this works out for my body. I do not like taking medications like this. Hopefully, I will be free of almost all pill medicines in about 2 months.

And, on another subject, both of our oldest kids are going on field trips next week! Our oldest son gets to go to the zoo and our oldest daughter gets to go watch a play at the local high school.

I have one more thing…. I love music. I dig all flavors and styles of music, it just depends on what mood I am in. I, however, do not like songs in where the words are repeated over and over with nothing new to say. I listen to it, but that does not mean that I have to like it. Yes, I understand that most singers get more play on the radio with a catchy hook or chorus, but it does not need to be all that comprises a song. And, it has started to get on my nerves hearing singers not properly articulate their words. Such as, “don’t cha”, or when a singer is supposed to say “you” but says “choo” instead.

Ugh, no wonder our future generation’s speech and language skills have dropped. If their role models can not speak properly then, how can we expect the generation to do so? They don’t even teach cursive writing in school anymore. Everybody is abbreviating their words and this is becoming acceptable today. And, electronics today… they take precedence over books and written language. I think that everyone should take courses to refresh their language skills, vocabulary, and even writing skills.

Okay, well… I hope that you all have a wonderful day. I am sending out warm wishes and good vibes to you all.

What a frickin week!

Let me start off by saying, this was supposed to be spring break for the kids, and my boyfriend had this week of as well. Okay, now I can tell you what all has happened…

It all started on Sunday night. On Sunday night, I was heading to bed, and the kids were able to stay awake a bit longer. We also had our other 2 boys over. So, with 4 kids in the house and my boyfriend playing D&D with his friends, our house was kind of full. I was laying down for a bit over 10 minutes when I was informed by my boyfriend that our oldest was sick.

Starting out with our daughter throwing up and having diarrhea at the same time, my night was sure to be interesting… oh how right that statement became. She soiled blanket after blanket, underwear, her clothes, my clothes, and sheets. Then, our oldest boy started to throw up.

Now, this was getting horrible! With 2 sick kids, the fact that I still had work in the am, and my boyfriend had company over and was on vacation…. I was just hoping that I didn’t get sick.

So, our son was only vomiting. But, he was throwing up so much that eventually it was just bile and stomach acid. The whole time he is sick, I was having to carry our daughter to the bathroom and place her in the tub. She could not even walk, it had gotten so bad. Then, it started nearing, I guess, around 5 when our next to oldest son threw up and had diarrhea too.

3 out of 4 kids were sick. I automatically had him strip out of clothes, down to his underwear, and sleep on the floor with his blanket and pillow. Now, once the first boy got sick, and between me taking care of everything, I taped plastic bags to our daughter’s bed. I, also, had her strip to her underwear, and I had our oldest boy in a sitting up position to sleep.

I took care of our sick kids until well after the sunrise Monday morning. Our daughter’s sickness started easing off around 7, our next to oldest son only had that one episode, and the last time our oldest son threw up it was around 9:30 Monday morning. At around 7am when my alarm went off, I went ahead and called out of work. I still had sick kids and they needed to be taken care of.

I finally got sleep after 9:30ish and only slept a total of about an hour. I was exhausted when that day was over. When Tuesday morning rolled around I got up and went to work. I still didn’t sleep much Monday night, but I couldn’t miss another day of work. After I got home on Tuesday, my boyfriend had to leave and go do work, even though he’s on vacation. While he was gone, I was still doing laundry, and cleaning, I started to feel bad…

While trying to put clean bedding on our daughter’s bed, I had to run to the bathroom. Yep, I was sick… and so, it began. The horrible pain associated with whatever stomach bug this was, was the worst pain ever. Once I started,  I went ahead and told my boss that if it didn’t subside then I wasn’t going to be able to make it in on Wednesday. And, I am glad I did that earlier because it didn’t subside. I was in bed by 7 pm Tuesday night. I was freezing at first so I got in the shower and sat under the water, washed myself, and warmed up.  Around midnight I took pain meds and my muscle relaxer to ease the pain. I stayed in bed until after lunch on Wednesday. I was still in pain and running to the bathroom every so often. My lower half was inflamed and hurting to the touch, due to all of the bathroom time. At least the pain meds and muscle relaxer helped. Wednesday night was a bit better, for everything. On Thursday morning I got up around 9:30ish and showered, shaved, and then went to work by 11. (Me and the teenager switched a few hours because she had her rehearsal dinner and impending wedding on Friday to get ready for… as well as her honeymoon cruise…she will not be in again until the 28th.)

I worked Thursday until 5. Once I was off of work I drove home, rinsed off, and then proceeded with getting ready. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that on Monday we had to cancel our dinner and dessert plans with our friends… so our “rain check” was rescheduled for Thursday night. Yep, after getting ready we headed to see our friends. I was feeling so much better and when we got there we had fun! Yes, lady play and wetness were a ton of fun!

So, last night after we got home, we went to bed and slept. My alarm went off this morning and I prepared to be at work until 5! Yep, a full day of work for me today. When I get home I will be with the kids… by myself tonight, once my boyfriend leaves for the game/card/hobby shop. Then, when he gets done there, he and his friends will come back home.

Tomorrow, Saturday we shall get up and spend time with our kids. I am also hoping that he will ink me tomorrow, hopefully anyway. Then, tomorrow night, after dinner, and after we take our youngest daughter back to her grandmother, we will be getting ready to attend the club! Yes, the club! Tomorrow is pirate themed. I get to wear my pirate wench outfit again! I am excited about it. We have not been to the club in over a month.

Oh my, I forgot to tell you all about last weekend and Friday! I guess another post is on the way!

It’s Friday!

Okay, so after work I will rush to the store and get my order of cupcakes. Then, take them to our oldest daughter’s class for a surprise! And then, after that I will go walk again. Gotta work off whatever calories are in a cupcake or 5… just joking. When school ends today, the kids each have somewhere to go that they will spend the night. And, once the kids leave school it is the beginning of spring break for them. My boyfriend even has next week off, a paid week of vacation. Anyway, tonight after the kids are gone, me and my boyfriend have a house party to attend. Tomorrow is the day of the Birthday Party!!! I hope all goes well.

I wish you all a wonderful weekend and I am sending good vibes to you all.

To party or not to party?

That is the question of this weekend. A friend of ours is coming feom out of town to visit, but it is also another friend’s birthday… and then, the club is having a St. Patrick’s Day themed party tomorrow night. No clue on what to do or what to wear. At least our kids are going to have a good weekend too. They have friends that the are going to stay with. Yep, they are finally going to spend the night with friends. I am a bit nervous about this, but it will be okay.

I think I stress too much. So, for this weekend I am going to try and just relax. Let the weekend unfold however it wants to and accept what I am given, whatever that may be.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. Happiness and good vibes to you all!

Feeling stronger every day…

So, last week I paid a lawyer to get on the task of a divorce and custody. I am scared, but relieved that I will finally have things legally taken care of. Then, on top of that… we had all 5 of our kids this weekend! I was so very happy about that. Oh yeah… we all had a ton of fun!

Oh my goodness, I am really worried about our boys who stay with my boyfriend’s mom. Things over there are getting worse and my last nerve about that has broken. My boyfriend said he will talk to his lawyer about what all he should do. Then, hopefully very soon within the next month… we will have the boys with us as well. So, then we will constantly have 4 children 24/7. And, when this happens… me and my boyfriend have agreed to turn the extra room into the girl’s room. The one that the kids stay in now will be the boy’s room. And, eventually when we can afford it, we will get another set of bunk beds. That one will have a third trundle.

I am looking forward to this very much. I want our boys to be in a healthier and safer environment. This is what they need. When we are able to transfer them to the school our other kids go to, that will be awesome for them all as well. I can only imagine the ways that they will grow and flourish under our roof. I can not wait!

Also, as I said earlier, I paid for a lawyer to get my divorce and custody handled. Yep, hopefully this will go well and not make me too stressed and crazy. I felt an immense amount of relief just paying for the lawyer. And, with my amazingly supportive boyfriend, I feel stronger everyday to make it through this. Once, the divorce is final, I will be taking back my maiden name. I am looking forward to that. I would no longer have to have this last name haunt me everyday.

Last week, and in the weeks to come, we have been very busy. The day will come when our lives are not so stressing and “on the go”. We will be able to relax and know that everything is alright. I hope that day is sooner rather than later.

I hope that you all have had a wonderful week and are staying healthy, happy, and safe! I am sending out good vibes to you all.

Holy sheep shit!

Wow, this weekend wore this lady out! Everything started on Friday…

Friday after work, my boyfriend had me meet him near where he was working to go look around a few stores and get lunch. Once we left from there, I went and picked up our youngest daughter from school. After that, and after I made it home, my boyfriend left and drove to our local Office Max and then to Wal-Mart. We bought our oldest kids each an electronic tablet. Then, when we got home my boyfriend left and took our oldest son to a Magic The Gathering tournament at the local card/hobby shop with him. While the guys were out of the house I had a girls night! Me and our daughters played dress up, I did their nails and hair, and we watched movies. We did not go to bed until after 11 pm and the guys did not come home until around 1 am.

Saturday morning, we all woke up early, ate breakfast, and got dressed. We drove a bit and stopped off at one of my boyfriend’s stores so he could fix some equipment. Then, we took our kids to Chuck E. Cheese. Yes, we took our kids to Chuck E. Cheese HELL! We spent a few hours there while our kids played and we spent money. After we wore out the kids, and ourselves, we drove to Sam’s Club and stocked up on things like different toiletries, medicines, cleaners, and various types of soap. Next, we went to Barnes & Noble Booksellers and purchased a couple hundred dollars worth of books. Well, feeling hungry again and after spending more than a few hundred dollars we headed home. As we headed for home me and my boyfriend came up with an idea for dinner. We would stop off at Lowe’s Foods for the salad bar, a rotisserie chicken, and a dessert. Then, finally HOME to eat and relax. We ate, watched a movie, and then it was bed time!

Now, on Sunday morning, my boyfriend had to wake up early again because he had to go work on more equipment. Once he got home with breakfast, we ate, got dressed, and then headed out again. We drove straight to a Best Buy and bought a 10.1, 32 gig, Note tablet and accessories for my boyfriend. Then, on to a fabric store to look. We ended up getting a few shirts and fabric paint markers so the kids could color them. The mall came next. Yes, we took the munchkins to the mall. We ate lunch at the food court, bought some items for the kids from Hot Topic. We finally headed home after that. We were trying to make it home in time so my boyfriend could take our youngest daughter back to her other “parent”. Once he made it back home after she left we fed our oldest children. And, just as I was really getting comfortable and wanting sleep… we got up and left again! With that being our last trip for the weekend, we drove towards Wal-Mart. First, we stopped at K-Mart to look for sheets that we liked. They ended up not being there, but we did get our oldest kids a pair of shoes each… and an ice cream cone for my boyfriend. Then, we went to Wal-Mart and it was a bit crowded, but not as bad as it could have been. Being that I have gained so much weight in the past year, my clothes do not fit me like they used to. When I say they do not fit like they used to, I mean that they don’t fit me at all! I have been stuck wearing the same clothes over and over to work during the week. So, our first place to browse was the clothing section. I was able to find 7 pairs of pants and a good few shirts. Finding clothes for my boyfriend and our 5 kids was not that hard either. We got new dishes, silverware, a lamp, a blanket, a carpet shampooer, towels for both bathrooms, candles & incense, a couple rugs, and some odds and ends things. Once we were done there, we headed home to unload, shower, and go to bed.

So, after all of that running around and spending some money, our total was around $4000 and that included the gas to drive around as well. Now, we still have not gotten other things that our house needs, but at least we have gotten the bulk of it.

It is Monday again, and I am sitting at work wishing I was at home. But, once I get home I get to start unpacking everything we got this weekend. Oh my goodness can I get some actual rest? Did I forget to mention that I did not sleep well at all? Well, I did not. Oh well, I have to keep going because I have a family, a job, and a house that need taking care of.

I hope that you all have a wonderful week. Sending out good vibes and warm wishes. And, if you will be having inclement weather… good luck, stay warm and dry, and stay safe.

Think for yourself and be your own person.

After another sexual weekend at the club, and playing with a couple we have played with before, I am calm and refreshed. These experiences at the club chip away at my stress. It is not just being able to be myself and not be ashamed of who I am on the inside, it is also being surrounded by like minded people. I ate a delicious pussy this weekend, sucked dick, had sex, and enjoyed all of it! I realize now, that I was meant to be where I spiritually, mentally, and sexually am at today. I am thankful to have my boyfriend who has helped me and continues to uplift me everyday. Sexually, he is the perfect partner for me. He encourages my sexual side, and I only hope that I return the favor! I mean, I was eating a pussy as he was cramming his dick into it… it was so frickin HOTT! Oh my gosh, I am wanting some sex right now… maybe me and my boyfriend can get to that when I get off of work. I love sex, but I am not a slut. I am sexually enlightened. I am sending out good vibes and warm thoughts for you all. I hope that you all have a wonderful week!

Another Magic The Gathering tournament…

Tonight my boyfriend is going to another Magic tournament at our local card/hobby shop again. Just like last week. While he does that, I will be at home with all 5 kids! Yep, it has been way too long since we have been able to have all 5 munchkins. I miss my 3 other babies. I really wish that we could have them all the time. Unfortunately, we only get the boys every so often and my boyfriend is still going to custody court for the youngest, little lady.

Now, even though my boyfriend will be gone again, tonight, at least I will not be at home in pain by myself. Nope, I will have the kids to keep me company. Well, now I have to think of some things to do with the kids that do not involve them going outside and freezing. I may be able to come up with a few things… but I will take any and all suggestions!

Then, tomorrow, I don’t know what to do… and probably on Sunday my boyfriend will have another D & D get together.

Well, hopefully this weekend goes without any blood shed and/or broken skin or bones.

Sending good vibes to you all, and I hope that you all have a wonderful weekend!