Camping this past weekend

We took our kids camping this past weekend and had a blast!

Our kids, two tents, no cell ohones, cooler weather, and the beautiful outdoors… who could ask for more?

It was absolutely wonderful staying outside the whole weekend and camping out. We cooked over the fire and it was delicious. Our kids even had fun. They got to carve sticks, make a see-saw, and run around outside the whole time. It was definitely refreshing!

This type of fun definitely needs to happen again…. and soon!!!

By the way, this was 2 weeks ago…

I am sending out good vibes and warm wishes to you all!

Good night, rest well, and good vibes and wishes to you all!

I am laying in bed, waiting for sleep to take me. Hopefully tonight I will get some actual rest. Lately, I have not been resting very well. My sleep is interrupted by bad dreams, my bladder being too full, being uncomfortable, or my brain just waking up for no good reason. Hopefully, since me and my boyfriend have started working out in the mornings, my body will start to heal itself better and become healthier. Anyway, I hope you all have a wonderful night or day, depending on your location.

I am sending out good vibes and warm wishes to you all. May great things happen in your lives.

Anal probing

So, today I had an appointment with a new doctor, a gastroenterologist. I think this doctor owes me a dinner and/or a dessert. He stuck his finger into my sphincter and probed around a bit. Ugh, it was painful. Yes, I do like anal sex when I am in the mood for it, but I do not like fingers in my ass. I understand that may seem odd to some, but there is a difference between a dick and someone’s finger. I would still like to be touched all over with hands, during sex, than have to stop and have my boyfriend go wash his hands… but, with his dick we can have anal sex until we finish and then, we both can go shower. We would not have to stop in the middle just to wash off. Anyway, I was probed by the doctor and it was painful. As a conclusion, he set up an appointment for me to go back and have a procedure done to see what’s going on in there. It’s not a full colonoscopy, but a procedure less invasive. I don’t mind as long as they figure out why I am having certain problems…. I have blood in my stool some days, other days it is green and has mucous, and some days I have to go more than 3 times a day.

Since my diagnosis of interstitial cystitis, my body has had other problems. Hopefully, once I cycle off most of the meds, my body will repair itself and grow stronger! That is my goal anyway.

Tonight is the last night of one of the prescriptions I am on, a muscle relaxer. Tomorrow I will start to cycle off another one of the meds. I will just reduce the amount by half and after a week be done with it. By next Thursday I will be mixing one of the medicines in with the catheter medicine. That will put me at taking only 1 prescription by mouth, which is an antihistamine. My doctor said I shouldn’t get off of it until after memorial day due to the pollen and allergy season.

I look forward to the days coming up because, hopefully my body will be able to repair itself and I will not be a slave to all these medications.

Well, I hope that you all have a wonderful day and great rest of the week.

I am sending out good vibes and warm thoughts to you all.

Another weekend on the horizon… well, duh, time doesn’t stand still…

Yep, after work tomorrow we will start another weekend. And, this up and coming weekend is full of plans. I have to shave tonight because I will not have time to do so after work tomorrow. Then, we have a house party to attend tomorrow night. Then, we have to leave the party early so my boyfriend can attend a pre-release for MTG (Magic The Gathering). Saturday, I am not quite sure what our day plans are, but that night we are going to the club. Also, we are taking a single male friend with us to the club. We are not taking him for our use, but taking him because he really wants to go. Then, on Sunday I get to drive my boyfriend to the airport. He is flying to NY for work training. That drive is around 3 hours and then, I get to drive back home… hopefully, I will be able to have a riding companion. I do not want to fall asleep on the way back. Once I get back, I will be lonely.

The start of the new work week will begin the following day before 7 am. Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday are going to be ssdd… but, then after work on Wednesday I will drive another 3 hours to go pick my boyfriend back up from the airport. I am going to have to either switch Thursday with the teenager or just not go in at all.

Also, a few things… I went to the specialist for my IC and I have revised my plan for my medications. I am going to be tapering off of most of my medications, which is great, but then I am also going to be giving myself another catheter too. So, I will be taking less medication, but adding another catheter. I hope that this works out for my body. I do not like taking medications like this. Hopefully, I will be free of almost all pill medicines in about 2 months.

And, on another subject, both of our oldest kids are going on field trips next week! Our oldest son gets to go to the zoo and our oldest daughter gets to go watch a play at the local high school.

I have one more thing…. I love music. I dig all flavors and styles of music, it just depends on what mood I am in. I, however, do not like songs in where the words are repeated over and over with nothing new to say. I listen to it, but that does not mean that I have to like it. Yes, I understand that most singers get more play on the radio with a catchy hook or chorus, but it does not need to be all that comprises a song. And, it has started to get on my nerves hearing singers not properly articulate their words. Such as, “don’t cha”, or when a singer is supposed to say “you” but says “choo” instead.

Ugh, no wonder our future generation’s speech and language skills have dropped. If their role models can not speak properly then, how can we expect the generation to do so? They don’t even teach cursive writing in school anymore. Everybody is abbreviating their words and this is becoming acceptable today. And, electronics today… they take precedence over books and written language. I think that everyone should take courses to refresh their language skills, vocabulary, and even writing skills.

Okay, well… I hope that you all have a wonderful day. I am sending out warm wishes and good vibes to you all.

It’s Friday!

Okay, so after work I will rush to the store and get my order of cupcakes. Then, take them to our oldest daughter’s class for a surprise! And then, after that I will go walk again. Gotta work off whatever calories are in a cupcake or 5… just joking. When school ends today, the kids each have somewhere to go that they will spend the night. And, once the kids leave school it is the beginning of spring break for them. My boyfriend even has next week off, a paid week of vacation. Anyway, tonight after the kids are gone, me and my boyfriend have a house party to attend. Tomorrow is the day of the Birthday Party!!! I hope all goes well.

I wish you all a wonderful weekend and I am sending good vibes to you all.

More energy?

I recently started doing daily exercises before work and walking after work. I have even changed my medication routine. I try to be in bed and asleep for at least a complete 8 hours before my alarm is set to go off. I have also started drinking a cup of coffee about every other morning. Now, with this new routine of my week, I feel like I may be becoming less stressed and more energetic.

Also, I have started to try and be less worried about daily stresses. Such as, I try not to worry about bills and money problems as much as I used to. It was a daily struggle in my head over money and how it is being spent, bills, and so on and so forth. Now, when we get a bill I try to tell myself that everything will be okay and that we will have the money to pay our bills. If I stay conscious of my brain and thoughts towards these things, then I can push the stress away.  It seems to be working.

With me doing my exercises before work and walking after, I feel I do better when I am by myself. Now, my boyfriend has mentioned wanting to get back into working out as well. His thing about working out is that he does better with someone there with him. I am wondering if I should try and do it with him. I could give it a try I guess.

Well, I hope that within about a month, I will be in better shape and be able to put a more revealing bathing suit on and not feel as if I look disgusting. I like the shape of my butt, am finally comfortable with the shape and size of my tits, and generally like my thighs. What I am mostly wanting to fix is my energy level, my overall health, toning my bottom half a bit more, and making my “mom” tummy flat again! Again, I hope to achieve this within about a month.

Well, I hope that you all have a wonderful day. I am sending out good vibes and warm thoughts to you all.

A “hairy” decision

Yes, I have made a decision… I want to cut my hair. I realized it today as I was walking at the park today. The back of my neck was throbbing with heat. It was stifling. It was almost painful. From that experience today, I know I want a haircut. I don’t know how short, but I need it off of my neck.

Well, either a haircut, I get a spritzer bottle, or I keep my hair tight and up high enough to not feel the heat.

The days are merging together…

My sleep continues to evade me and my days are muddling together. At least I have started walking again. I went yesterday, but I will skip today. Then, tomorrow, I will go walk again. Hopefully, I can get a cheap pair of tennis shoes from either payless or Wal-Mart. This way, I will not incur anymore blisters from walking in crappy shoes… well, hopefully anyway.

My plan for walking is to walk Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for the 1st 2 weeks. Then, After that add Tuesday the 3rd week, and during the 4th week skip Tuesday, but add Thursday. And, during the 5th week and every week past, I will walk Monday through Friday. And, during the time after the kids leave for school and before I get ready for work, I have been doing crunches to tighten my abs.

I want to be able to fit into my jeans again as well as fit into a decent bathing suit for summer this year. Now,  I am not exactly fat, but I am out of shape. I just want a flatter tummy area and to be more toned… without losing my butt! I actually quite like my butt. Oh, and I would not mind a few more muscles and to be a bit stronger and healthier.

Now, let’s hope I can stick to it and not have the weather piss on my plans.

Dozing off.

Now, I know how good dozing off sounds, but at work it’s not such a good thing. I would like to be at home in bed, but that’s not going to happen. So, for now I will sip my hot and decaffeinated coffee while reading or doing a sudoku puzzle.

Oh, and also… I am still waiting to hear from the lawyer about my court stuff. And, even though for 3 weekends in a row we had the boys, but we are no closer to having them and keeping them safe. Oh well. Maybe one day things will happen.