
Yes, a homestead would be a beautiful thing. I would love to have gardens of home grown vegetables, herbs, and fruits.  I would love to have animals readily available for food. I would love to make my own clothes. I have even began to make homemade products, such as soap and candles. We can make our own laundry soap, dish soap, deodorants, lotion, shampoo, conditioner, house hold cleaners, and anything else you could probably think of. We are on our way to hopefully achieving all of this in 5 years.

I have applied to go back to school this fall and I want to take sustainable agriculture. This will only help in our development of our goals!

Also, my boyfriend may start the process of buying the restaurant he cooks at and by the beginning of next year he hopes to own it. Yes, the owner’s want him to take over. Since my boyfriend loves to cook, he would love to own his own restaurant. And then, if we are able to start a homestead as well, he would have fresh vegetables and foods for the restaurant’s menu.

Life can be crazy sometimes. All you can do is flow with it!

I am sending out good vibes and warm wishes for you all!

Good night, rest well, and good vibes and wishes to you all!

I am laying in bed, waiting for sleep to take me. Hopefully tonight I will get some actual rest. Lately, I have not been resting very well. My sleep is interrupted by bad dreams, my bladder being too full, being uncomfortable, or my brain just waking up for no good reason. Hopefully, since me and my boyfriend have started working out in the mornings, my body will start to heal itself better and become healthier. Anyway, I hope you all have a wonderful night or day, depending on your location.

I am sending out good vibes and warm wishes to you all. May great things happen in your lives.

If I plan alone… it will not work.

So, I think that I need to talk to my boyfriend and we need to collaborate. I believe we need to plan together on this vacation. And, even one night the next weekend I will need his cooperation.

After, talking with my boyfriend, he now knows what I wanted to plan. He is going to help and we will be planning this vacation together.

My plan was to go camping, stay at a B&B for at least a night, go fishing, do a lot of hiking and exploring, have a lot of sex, take pictures, and basically spend a whole week relaxing. That whole week will be spent worry free from work, bills, money problems, and most of the outside world.

I am excited about getting this vacation planned. We know what we want to do and a general location of where we want to go. Hopefully we both can get the time off and finish the planning part. I know I probably shouldn’t be, but I am excited about it.

Another weekend on the horizon… well, duh, time doesn’t stand still…

Yep, after work tomorrow we will start another weekend. And, this up and coming weekend is full of plans. I have to shave tonight because I will not have time to do so after work tomorrow. Then, we have a house party to attend tomorrow night. Then, we have to leave the party early so my boyfriend can attend a pre-release for MTG (Magic The Gathering). Saturday, I am not quite sure what our day plans are, but that night we are going to the club. Also, we are taking a single male friend with us to the club. We are not taking him for our use, but taking him because he really wants to go. Then, on Sunday I get to drive my boyfriend to the airport. He is flying to NY for work training. That drive is around 3 hours and then, I get to drive back home… hopefully, I will be able to have a riding companion. I do not want to fall asleep on the way back. Once I get back, I will be lonely.

The start of the new work week will begin the following day before 7 am. Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday are going to be ssdd… but, then after work on Wednesday I will drive another 3 hours to go pick my boyfriend back up from the airport. I am going to have to either switch Thursday with the teenager or just not go in at all.

Also, a few things… I went to the specialist for my IC and I have revised my plan for my medications. I am going to be tapering off of most of my medications, which is great, but then I am also going to be giving myself another catheter too. So, I will be taking less medication, but adding another catheter. I hope that this works out for my body. I do not like taking medications like this. Hopefully, I will be free of almost all pill medicines in about 2 months.

And, on another subject, both of our oldest kids are going on field trips next week! Our oldest son gets to go to the zoo and our oldest daughter gets to go watch a play at the local high school.

I have one more thing…. I love music. I dig all flavors and styles of music, it just depends on what mood I am in. I, however, do not like songs in where the words are repeated over and over with nothing new to say. I listen to it, but that does not mean that I have to like it. Yes, I understand that most singers get more play on the radio with a catchy hook or chorus, but it does not need to be all that comprises a song. And, it has started to get on my nerves hearing singers not properly articulate their words. Such as, “don’t cha”, or when a singer is supposed to say “you” but says “choo” instead.

Ugh, no wonder our future generation’s speech and language skills have dropped. If their role models can not speak properly then, how can we expect the generation to do so? They don’t even teach cursive writing in school anymore. Everybody is abbreviating their words and this is becoming acceptable today. And, electronics today… they take precedence over books and written language. I think that everyone should take courses to refresh their language skills, vocabulary, and even writing skills.

Okay, well… I hope that you all have a wonderful day. I am sending out warm wishes and good vibes to you all.

Grocery shopping

So, the topic of grocery shopping brings dread to my day. We had to go grocery shopping on Saturday night, for the month. Yes, you read that right. We do all of our monthly shopping in one day. Now, I receive government help with groceries, and that is the only way we can even afford food for our kids. When I make a shopping list I always write down the same things. When we went shopping this past Saturday, I noticed that prices have risen. Our monthly allotment did not make it as far as it usually does. That and apparently the allotment has also been decreased. I will go without food before I let my kids go without. Something has to happen to turn this around. Prices at the grocery store and gas pumps are going up, our monthly allotment for groceries has decreased, and our weekly pay has stayed the same.

Also, I may ha e mentioned that we had to pay out of out pockets to fix our bathroom too. Well, our landlord only agreed to $100 off for the next 8 months, and we haven’t even completely finished with it yet! So, since we spent all of our regular rent money on the bathroom, and he still wanted his rent check, we are screwed there too. That puts us behind a ton!

Also, our oldest daughter is supposed to be having a birthday party this Saturday, but we may not have the funds to do that with.

So, with all of this weighing down on our wallets, we are just lucky enough that my boyfriend receives expense checks. That means that he gets reimbursed for gas mileage and anything he has to puchase for his job. With those as our saving grace, we will be able to actually pay our rent and our bills, and possibly for a couple things for our daughter’s birthday.

(Maybe we should play the lottery. Hell, I would take a chance at winning some money by spending a couple dollars of our own. I guess we would have to try and find out. You never know what could happen in life.)

Anyway, I am sending out good vibes and warm thoughts to you all. I hope you all have a wonderful week.

To party or not to party?

That is the question of this weekend. A friend of ours is coming feom out of town to visit, but it is also another friend’s birthday… and then, the club is having a St. Patrick’s Day themed party tomorrow night. No clue on what to do or what to wear. At least our kids are going to have a good weekend too. They have friends that the are going to stay with. Yep, they are finally going to spend the night with friends. I am a bit nervous about this, but it will be okay.

I think I stress too much. So, for this weekend I am going to try and just relax. Let the weekend unfold however it wants to and accept what I am given, whatever that may be.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. Happiness and good vibes to you all!

Feeling stronger every day…

So, last week I paid a lawyer to get on the task of a divorce and custody. I am scared, but relieved that I will finally have things legally taken care of. Then, on top of that… we had all 5 of our kids this weekend! I was so very happy about that. Oh yeah… we all had a ton of fun!

Oh my goodness, I am really worried about our boys who stay with my boyfriend’s mom. Things over there are getting worse and my last nerve about that has broken. My boyfriend said he will talk to his lawyer about what all he should do. Then, hopefully very soon within the next month… we will have the boys with us as well. So, then we will constantly have 4 children 24/7. And, when this happens… me and my boyfriend have agreed to turn the extra room into the girl’s room. The one that the kids stay in now will be the boy’s room. And, eventually when we can afford it, we will get another set of bunk beds. That one will have a third trundle.

I am looking forward to this very much. I want our boys to be in a healthier and safer environment. This is what they need. When we are able to transfer them to the school our other kids go to, that will be awesome for them all as well. I can only imagine the ways that they will grow and flourish under our roof. I can not wait!

Also, as I said earlier, I paid for a lawyer to get my divorce and custody handled. Yep, hopefully this will go well and not make me too stressed and crazy. I felt an immense amount of relief just paying for the lawyer. And, with my amazingly supportive boyfriend, I feel stronger everyday to make it through this. Once, the divorce is final, I will be taking back my maiden name. I am looking forward to that. I would no longer have to have this last name haunt me everyday.

Last week, and in the weeks to come, we have been very busy. The day will come when our lives are not so stressing and “on the go”. We will be able to relax and know that everything is alright. I hope that day is sooner rather than later.

I hope that you all have had a wonderful week and are staying healthy, happy, and safe! I am sending out good vibes to you all.

Holy sheep shit!

Wow, this weekend wore this lady out! Everything started on Friday…

Friday after work, my boyfriend had me meet him near where he was working to go look around a few stores and get lunch. Once we left from there, I went and picked up our youngest daughter from school. After that, and after I made it home, my boyfriend left and drove to our local Office Max and then to Wal-Mart. We bought our oldest kids each an electronic tablet. Then, when we got home my boyfriend left and took our oldest son to a Magic The Gathering tournament at the local card/hobby shop with him. While the guys were out of the house I had a girls night! Me and our daughters played dress up, I did their nails and hair, and we watched movies. We did not go to bed until after 11 pm and the guys did not come home until around 1 am.

Saturday morning, we all woke up early, ate breakfast, and got dressed. We drove a bit and stopped off at one of my boyfriend’s stores so he could fix some equipment. Then, we took our kids to Chuck E. Cheese. Yes, we took our kids to Chuck E. Cheese HELL! We spent a few hours there while our kids played and we spent money. After we wore out the kids, and ourselves, we drove to Sam’s Club and stocked up on things like different toiletries, medicines, cleaners, and various types of soap. Next, we went to Barnes & Noble Booksellers and purchased a couple hundred dollars worth of books. Well, feeling hungry again and after spending more than a few hundred dollars we headed home. As we headed for home me and my boyfriend came up with an idea for dinner. We would stop off at Lowe’s Foods for the salad bar, a rotisserie chicken, and a dessert. Then, finally HOME to eat and relax. We ate, watched a movie, and then it was bed time!

Now, on Sunday morning, my boyfriend had to wake up early again because he had to go work on more equipment. Once he got home with breakfast, we ate, got dressed, and then headed out again. We drove straight to a Best Buy and bought a 10.1, 32 gig, Note tablet and accessories for my boyfriend. Then, on to a fabric store to look. We ended up getting a few shirts and fabric paint markers so the kids could color them. The mall came next. Yes, we took the munchkins to the mall. We ate lunch at the food court, bought some items for the kids from Hot Topic. We finally headed home after that. We were trying to make it home in time so my boyfriend could take our youngest daughter back to her other “parent”. Once he made it back home after she left we fed our oldest children. And, just as I was really getting comfortable and wanting sleep… we got up and left again! With that being our last trip for the weekend, we drove towards Wal-Mart. First, we stopped at K-Mart to look for sheets that we liked. They ended up not being there, but we did get our oldest kids a pair of shoes each… and an ice cream cone for my boyfriend. Then, we went to Wal-Mart and it was a bit crowded, but not as bad as it could have been. Being that I have gained so much weight in the past year, my clothes do not fit me like they used to. When I say they do not fit like they used to, I mean that they don’t fit me at all! I have been stuck wearing the same clothes over and over to work during the week. So, our first place to browse was the clothing section. I was able to find 7 pairs of pants and a good few shirts. Finding clothes for my boyfriend and our 5 kids was not that hard either. We got new dishes, silverware, a lamp, a blanket, a carpet shampooer, towels for both bathrooms, candles & incense, a couple rugs, and some odds and ends things. Once we were done there, we headed home to unload, shower, and go to bed.

So, after all of that running around and spending some money, our total was around $4000 and that included the gas to drive around as well. Now, we still have not gotten other things that our house needs, but at least we have gotten the bulk of it.

It is Monday again, and I am sitting at work wishing I was at home. But, once I get home I get to start unpacking everything we got this weekend. Oh my goodness can I get some actual rest? Did I forget to mention that I did not sleep well at all? Well, I did not. Oh well, I have to keep going because I have a family, a job, and a house that need taking care of.

I hope that you all have a wonderful week. Sending out good vibes and warm wishes. And, if you will be having inclement weather… good luck, stay warm and dry, and stay safe.

My first credit card!

Yep, this week I got my first credit card! I am ecstatic to have it. Not just for raising my okay credit, but because I needed tires on my car. That was the first thing I did. I went out and got a set of tires. It was nice to see new tires on my car, especially since a week ago my front right tire went flat. I was surprised that the other front tire didn’t go too. They both were warped, overly bald, and had wires showing like crazy. I was lucky to make it as far as I did and for those tires to last as long as they did. Then, yesterday, on the way home from work, I stopped and used the card for a full tank of gas. That is as much as I will use it for until I pay off what I already purchased. I don’t have that high of a limit, but it sure as hell helped! When I do get my taxes back I will go and pay off most of what I spent, excluding the charge for the card itself. That way I will still be able to build the credit up. I am very thankful for this piece of plastic. It has helped tremendously already. Now, we just need to get our taxes and start saving along with our credit building!