Feeling stronger every day…

So, last week I paid a lawyer to get on the task of a divorce and custody. I am scared, but relieved that I will finally have things legally taken care of. Then, on top of that… we had all 5 of our kids this weekend! I was so very happy about that. Oh yeah… we all had a ton of fun!

Oh my goodness, I am really worried about our boys who stay with my boyfriend’s mom. Things over there are getting worse and my last nerve about that has broken. My boyfriend said he will talk to his lawyer about what all he should do. Then, hopefully very soon within the next month… we will have the boys with us as well. So, then we will constantly have 4 children 24/7. And, when this happens… me and my boyfriend have agreed to turn the extra room into the girl’s room. The one that the kids stay in now will be the boy’s room. And, eventually when we can afford it, we will get another set of bunk beds. That one will have a third trundle.

I am looking forward to this very much. I want our boys to be in a healthier and safer environment. This is what they need. When we are able to transfer them to the school our other kids go to, that will be awesome for them all as well. I can only imagine the ways that they will grow and flourish under our roof. I can not wait!

Also, as I said earlier, I paid for a lawyer to get my divorce and custody handled. Yep, hopefully this will go well and not make me too stressed and crazy. I felt an immense amount of relief just paying for the lawyer. And, with my amazingly supportive boyfriend, I feel stronger everyday to make it through this. Once, the divorce is final, I will be taking back my maiden name. I am looking forward to that. I would no longer have to have this last name haunt me everyday.

Last week, and in the weeks to come, we have been very busy. The day will come when our lives are not so stressing and “on the go”. We will be able to relax and know that everything is alright. I hope that day is sooner rather than later.

I hope that you all have had a wonderful week and are staying healthy, happy, and safe! I am sending out good vibes to you all.

Horrible Holiday Season…

Yep, HHS has poked it’s head through all of our good times. Well, we WERE going to be able to afford a few things for our kids for Christmas, but now… we can not afford anything at all. Yeah, you read that right. We barely have enough to continue making it to work each day. And, if we can not afford to get any sort of gift for the kids, then I suppose we need to plan out how to tell our kids that Santa does not exist. Yeah, you read that right as well.

Things seem to be snowballing right now. Apparently we did not pay our insurance last month, so now we owe for 2 months. I would at the very least, like to be able to get each kid $5 worth of gifts from the dollar tree. I do not want to have to have our kids cry on Christmas because Santa does not exist and that they did not get anything for Christmas.

Oh, and my boyfriend left this morning for his second week of training. Yep, another week without him. AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!! Yep, I want to scream and possibly curl up in bed and cry. Everything has rolled into a huge mess of stress and problems.

At least since we do have a food card, we can have a decent Christmas dinner. I hope that, at least, goes well for us. With all of the other problems and stresses, I would at least like to have a decent, stress free, dinner with the kids and my boyfriend. Oh well, I guess I will just have to keep my fingers crossed for some, any good luck this season.

I hope that you all are having a much more successful season.

Stupid exes! Can’t we just tell them all to go to hell????

So, my boyfriend found out through text that until child support was being paid to his ex, she is keeping his daughter from him. He has a lawyer who has been paid a lot of money to serve her with custody papers and they don’t even go to court until next month. She’s a bitch. Our youngest daughter deserves better than to be used as a pawn to hurt us. I just needed to rant and blow off some steam…. but, seriously what the hell?

Here is to OCTOBER!

Yep, it is October already. Who feels as if this year is flying by? Yep, that would be how I feel! It seems like only a couple of weeks ago that me and my boyfriend rearranged and decorated for fall. Oh wait, we did do that a couple of weeks ago. Yep, we have our table available to where we can actually sit down at it and have a meal! It looks nice and I enjoy it. My boyfriend broke his phone, and not by accident. Oh, and another hole in our wall. We owe money out for borrowing to get him a new phone. His ex has, yet again, proven how much of a crazy bitch she can be. And, in her rages, it makes me want to rip her face off for treating him so horribly… as well as for the way it makes him feel. All I can do is offer my support and hope that karma comes back on her. Same for both of his exes though. Also, we attended the club. Yes, it was fun, for the most part anyway. This week he goes to court for child support. This is one of the actions of his horrible ex. And, child support is one of the reasons I don’t want to go back to the club for a while. I think we need to save for all of these expenses that will accumulate. I’m getting tired of trying to make sure that we have enough to cover bills and being the one to worry about our money situation. It is getting tiresome. Anyway, other than that, my son lost another tooth! Also, our youngest turned 4. If I think of anything else, I will be sure to post. Again, sorry for taking ao long to post and I hope you all have a great week!

Oh, I am also reading the 2nd book in the Fifty Shades series… it’s good so far.