
Yes, let me procrastinate a little more…. I could possibly have a little depression going on. I want to sleep a lot. I do clean some (we have clean clothes to wear), I go to school (I still have homework to do that is due tomorrow), and I work (even though our hours have been cut some due to less orders). However,  I do get this wave pf depression when my love and partner of life leaves to go to work. When he is here I just want to stay cuddled in bed, and when he is gone I want to stay cuddled in bed alone. Anyway,  I will figure this out.

I am sending out good vibes and warm wishes to you all!

On this day, Friday.

So today, I do not have school. I do not work. I do not have anything to do, but sit and rest if I chose. I am in my robe, sitting on the couch, and thinking of taking a nap.

I could be doing homework. I could be doing housework. There are other things I guess I could be doing, but resting seems like the best option right now.

I hope you all have a wonderful day!

I am sending out good vibes and warm wishes to you all!

Double damn…

I have had so many projects and homework going on lately that I haven’t posted. Well, I did pass all of my projects, but may have failed one single class. Ugh, the class was horrible and not taught very well, but at least I tried. Geez I hope I pass the rest. Well, tomorrow is the last day of classes for this semester and I am glad. Hopefully next semester I do better.

My classes

So far, my classes have been fun. I like school. I guess what I needed was to actually enjoy my studies and major. I feel so good lately, even when I don’t get as much sleep as I want.

My classes are intro to sustainable agriculture (which gives me all the basic info), agriculture maintenance (which is a shop course), soil science (which gives me the info about what soil is best for what plants and taking care of the soil), animal science (which explains all about how to take care of animals inside and out), and just some crummy college intro course (which sucks, but is easy).

I have learned quite a bit ao far this semester. I may only be doing okay, but at least I am trying. I am working, have kids, crazy schedules, and am going to school. I do like every minute of it though.


Yes, I am going to go back to school. I start the fall semester next month. I am really excited and really nervous. I have not been to school in a long time. I do hope this works out. I actually registered, applied for financial aid, and I have my courses lined up.

Now, I am waiting to pay for classes, buy books and supplies, and start classes. Again, I am nervous.

My course of study will be Sustainable Agriculture. This will also help me and my family learn to become self sustainable and have a sustainable homestead. I look forward to learning and putting my brain to work.

I think, however, before classes start, I will need to change my name with the college and the financial aid too. I will need to figure out how to do that, without screwing my financial aid and admissions up.

Anyway, I hope you all have a wonderful week.

I am sending out good vibes and warm wishes to you all!

More hours=more money

Last year some time, I posted about my new position in the company. Well, a couple of weeks ago my boyfriend lost his job.

Now, with the teenager receptionist, she has taken time off. I was offered more hours by filling my old position. So, once my normal hours for the day are done, for the next couple of days, I will be changing desks to be the receptionist fill-in.

Hopefully, these extra hours will help with our income problems for a week. I was going to look into taking a second job. If I could work this desk after my hours at that desk, that would work too. If only the teenager would quit….

Anyway, I hope you all have a fantastic day! I am sending out good vibes and warm wishes to you all.


Alright, so it has been a bit since I have posted. My new phone does not allow me to post from it, so I either have to try when I get home on my computer or on my old phone through the app…. I am on my old phone right now.

The past few weeks have been stressful for me. I get stressed easily. I regularly stress out about money… do we have enough food for the kids, can we afford our bills and expenses, do not let my car break down… you know normal money issues. Then, there are things in our life that exacerbate the stress issue, our exes and the fact that we have legal issues with them (custody, child support, and divorce), my IC, my prescriptions that I can not afford, no health insurance and the fact that I do have health issues… I am sure there may be more, but for now that is enough.

At least last weekend or so, my mom’s husband moved out so I don’t have the added stress of that in my house.

A few weeks ago, my boyfriend and I agreed to work at the swinger’s club we attend. So, one Saturday a month we will go and work the desk and security. Yesterday, my boyfriend was let go from his job due to him not saving the company enough money as a service tech… I guess they don’t want their fucking stores fixed. OH GOD DAMN WELL! Yes, I am pissed. Yes, that just added a shit ton of stress on me. I am the only one working. I just want to sleep the days away now… BUT, that’s not why I want to sleep so much, my level of pain in my lower abdomen is. I have, for a long while now, been experiencing pain near my bladder and lower abdominal region. For the past few weeks it has just gotten worse.

Back in July I had a new IUD installed. I am wondering if there is a correlation between my pain and the new IUD.

Anyway, now that I am the only one working, I am stressed that maybe when my boyfriend gets a new job, we may not be able to help at the club. I even wonder if we can afford the gas money to drive there, due to it being in another city.

I have come to the decision that I would like some alcohol in my life. Yes, I want a drink or 5…. but not to get shit faced…just a nice buzz.

Also, I am thinking of possibly selling some items of mine, underwear specifically due to the market for those.

Okay, well I am sending out good vibes and warm wishes to you all!

Christmas and New Year’s Eve

Our 5 kids had a fantastic vacation and enjoyed all of their gifts. And, we got to attend the club on New Year’s Eve for a party! We had a blast. Then, we were asked to join the staff for the club… we said yes. So, now on weekends we will be working there occasionally.

I look forward to possibly getting to know new people and I feel this is going to be a fun experience.

Well, I am going to go, but post at another point in time.

I am sending out good vibes and wishes to you all!

Affordable healthcare? Ha, yeah right!

So, my government healthcare insurance has been denied and cancelled because I make too much money. Now, this insurance is for me and my son, he is still allowed to receive full benefits… thank goodness for that. My monthly income is around 800 after taxes. So, on top of bills, I will now have to try and pay for my medical issues as well.

If you not read my blog before, I have a bladder disease called interstitial cystitis. I give myself 2 catheter installations a day as well as take a daily oral medication. These medicines are costly. I have to go to the doctor and my specialists every few months. Also, due to my catheter installations my body is more prone to urinary tract infections.

Due to making about $300 over the 2 person family income limit, I now can not afford my medications and can not go to the doctor. What the hell am I to do now?

I have checked out the websites for affordable health care, but it is not really affordable. If I were to get insurance it would cost me about half my paycheck a week. What the fuck?? If my health goes down hill oh well huh? The people of this country do not give a shit about anyone but themselves (and money), especially our governments.

The government claims they have affordable health care insurance, but what they don’t mention is that it’s only really affordable if you are already monetarily wealthy. What about the middle class? Or those who actually work, but are still in the poverty level? In order for me to be able to have health insurance I would need to basically quit my job and become a bum. Sorry, I need my job.

I guess I will have to live without insurance and my medications, once it runs out.

I wish my voice, opinions, and thoughts actually counted for something in this life…

Anyway, I am sending out good vibes and warm wishes to you all!