My classes

So far, my classes have been fun. I like school. I guess what I needed was to actually enjoy my studies and major. I feel so good lately, even when I don’t get as much sleep as I want.

My classes are intro to sustainable agriculture (which gives me all the basic info), agriculture maintenance (which is a shop course), soil science (which gives me the info about what soil is best for what plants and taking care of the soil), animal science (which explains all about how to take care of animals inside and out), and just some crummy college intro course (which sucks, but is easy).

I have learned quite a bit ao far this semester. I may only be doing okay, but at least I am trying. I am working, have kids, crazy schedules, and am going to school. I do like every minute of it though.

Late night thoughts

1. I love cats!
2. If my cat wakes me up again, she will be sprayed with the bottle.
3. Damn, why do I have to work in the morning?
4. I want more tattoos.
5. I want to finish my book, but that may mean I have to start over.
6. I wish I had different magical powers.
7. I want a tarot reading, palm reading, and my future read.
8. I want to write down and stick to a 5 year plan. As well as, smaller short term goals.
9. I wish I knew someone who would trade a van, with more seating, for my car. (She has seen better days and may not last too much longer. And, I can not afford any other payments.)
10. One of my son’s birthdays is Thursday and I do not know what to get for him.
11. I would actually like to celebrate my 30th birthday at some point in time, but that just means drinking the wine I was given as a gift.
12. At some point in time I would like to stop thinking of my birthday as bad luck.
13. I would like to use my ouija board at some point in time.
14. My eyes are starting to feel tired.
15. How can one person love so much?
16. I am nervous about school.
17. I need to check on my financial aid tomorrow.
18. I went to New York and I loved it!
19. I forgot to post about driving to New York to go bury my boyfriend’s grandpa.
20. Sometimes I wish I were not as skeptical and pessimistic, but I also feel it has helped me.
21. Now, it is time for me to try and sleep.

Good night everyone.

I am sending out good vibes and warm wishes to you all!

Seriously, looking for another job.

On Friday afternoon I was informed that I would no longer be at my desk starting Monday, but instead move back to my other position. Essentially I was demoted. Not only did they move me back, but my hours were cut by 5 hours a week, 1 hour a day.

Yes, I am stressed. Yes, we are struggling to pay our bills right now. Yes, I am applying elsewhere and putting in my resume at other places.

Considering my pay is our main form of income. I despise myself for not having a better job already. I despise myself for not being able to provide for my family by knowing that we will keep a roof overhead.

On top of all of this, yesterday myself and my boyfriend caught some punk kids trying to steal a bike from the side of our house. As well as, one of the bikes had been previously stolen in the past few weeks. My son, had gotten that bike for his birthday a couple of months ago and now it is gone. We filed a police report and once I get a chance I will call my insurance company about possibly filing a claim. It was a big thing last night, talking with the police, having the parents of the boy bring him to our house to apologize and offer his services for yard work, as well as dealing with our stress… I need sleep. Actual rest to help clear my head and calm my nerves.

Then, this weekend, on Friday my boyfriend had already planned a lifestyle party. On Saturday, we have the obligation to go work at the club. For me, that is added stress. I hope maybe to laugh a bit and take my mind off of this situation and relax for one night at least. Maybe drink a bit and have my juices explode to relax some…

Anyway, I am sending out good vibes and warm wishes for you all!

Christmas and New Year’s Eve

Our 5 kids had a fantastic vacation and enjoyed all of their gifts. And, we got to attend the club on New Year’s Eve for a party! We had a blast. Then, we were asked to join the staff for the club… we said yes. So, now on weekends we will be working there occasionally.

I look forward to possibly getting to know new people and I feel this is going to be a fun experience.

Well, I am going to go, but post at another point in time.

I am sending out good vibes and wishes to you all!

By the way…

When my older brother came into town, it was the nicest family visit I’ve had, probably ever. I no longer speak to my mother and will not be seeing her for any holidays… thank goodness. Also, with court stuff and custody stuff, we are going to be having her husband try and find a place to stay during his work weeks as well. We need that room for our kids. We do have another roommate, one of our friends, but he actually pays us rent… my mother’s husband had been here since August and has not paid us anything. So, no contest as to who we will be asking to leave. Oh well, for our kids we will do what we have to.

So, anyway, life is just speeding along. Oh, and I may be divorced soon! Woo! My lawyer is picking up speed with everything and I hope it all goes well.

I am sending out good vibes and warm wishes to you all!

Camping this past weekend

We took our kids camping this past weekend and had a blast!

Our kids, two tents, no cell ohones, cooler weather, and the beautiful outdoors… who could ask for more?

It was absolutely wonderful staying outside the whole weekend and camping out. We cooked over the fire and it was delicious. Our kids even had fun. They got to carve sticks, make a see-saw, and run around outside the whole time. It was definitely refreshing!

This type of fun definitely needs to happen again…. and soon!!!

By the way, this was 2 weeks ago…

I am sending out good vibes and warm wishes to you all!

I want to smack a few people… with a brick.

Our exes… they are horrible people…. period. Stupid, ignorant, hateful, and selfish people. Ahhh…. but, the laws in this country continue to let these people be around.

We are already in a custody disputes with 2 of the exes… now, the 3rd is about to start.

We were all set to get the boys who were staying with their grandma. We had them registered for school and were set to pick them up in a couple of days, so their grandma could enjoy the last weekend with them… then, we got a call saying their sorry ass fucking egg donor walked into the grandma’s house, grabbed the boys and some of their stuff, and then just walked out without a damn word. She has not really even been involved with them in 3 years. Now, she does this. She said it’s because she would not have rights to them at all if we had them here with their older sister.WHAT THE FUCK???? Seriously, how the fuck can this happen? Oh right, our government and laws are broken.

Some people are not meant to be parents and have kids, but yet they reproduce anyway. The wrong parent gets custody of the kids all the time. This is yet another reason why our society has gone downhill.

Anyway, I am sending out good vibes and warm wishes to you all!

Today is Wednesday!

We have had eventful weeks and weekends lately.

With our parties, our kids being on vacation, our kids coming home, us about to get our other 2 boys full time, and with is going to the gym to work out, we’ve been busy!

Tomorrow night is our school’s open house! Our kids start school on Monday. Geez, they are growing up.

We are even going to another party this Friday night. I hope it is a ton of fun. We are excited. And, 2 weeks from this coming Friday we are having our own swinger’s party. Yep, our first party and it is going to be rainbow themed.

My goodness though, I am tired. We went to the gym this morning and my body needs more rest. I can keep going like this… but that doesn’t mean that I like it. I feel obligated to stay up because my boyfriend can’t stand going to bed before 10. My body,  however, and my brain do not know how to function unless they get enough proper rest and sleep. And, if we’re getting up at 5:50 am then, my brain and body are definitely not getting enough rest. Oh well…. I can do this!!!

I am strong and willing to continue. I must continue and not quit. My boyfriend encourages me and makes me feel great about myself. The least I could do is return the favor.

My kids!

We are having all 5 munchkins this weekend! I can not even describe the way it lowers my stress. It is a big “whoosh” of relief once I know thatbwe will have all 5 kids in our house, under our care. I am super excited about it. I have missed our kids. I worry so much about them, and for good reason too.

My parents move in tomorrow too. This weekend shall be fun!!!

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. I am sending out good vibes and warm thoughts to you all!

College/course advice??

So, I need some help and information on classes… basically I want to describe what I enjoy doing and get some feedback on possible classes or programs I could start…

1. I love music and can play the flute
2. I love art and drawing (even though I am not good at it)
3. I am interested in making/designing inexpensive functional, practical, fun, colorful, slutty for the average woman/customer (including costumes of all kinds that can be worn as regular clothing)
4. I am interested in movies as well as the filming process
5. I have enjoyed acting in a few stage plays
6. I am interested in Renaissance Faire work as well as learning about the renaissance period
7. I am interested in traveling and learning about new places
8. I love to cook even though I am not very good at it… ok, so I like to eat too! I will try almost anything!
9. I enjoy camping, fishing, hunting, and being “one with the land”, nature
10. I love my kids and want the best for them
11. I would not mind a revolution of some sort… zombie or otherwise (I feel me and my boyfriend could take our kids and survive anything)
12. I love books, writing and reading anything… I even started writing a book

and last but not least…

13. I love sex and everything that could go with it (that is not masochistic, degrading, or mutilation) I will learn everything I can about everything sexual

Yes, this is a wide array of interests, but if you have any input I am all for it!

I am sending out good vibes and warm thoughts to you all!