Oh how the time flies…

Geez these weeks keep passing by so fast. I honestly don’t know where the time goes.

And now, it is Tuesday again… I have been fighting some junk for a few days now. All day Sunday I slept, Monday I worked, and today I feel like I need to be in bed again. I didn’t come to work until a couple hours later so I could try and rest more. I am sitting at work feeking horrible and needing more rest. Ugh… this sucks.

And now it’s Friday… October 31st… HALLOWEEN! Seriously, where did the time go? I haven’t been sleeping very well either due to waking up and hacking my lungs and throat up because of this cough and cold I have. It sucks. I have crap coming out when I cough and my throat is on fire.

And now, it is Monday November 3rd. Yep, I don’t know where this time going, but it is flying! I now have less than 4 days before our vacation. I have so much left to get done. On top of having to work everyday, I have to go to the doctor, finish cleaning the house, make sure I write out a step by step list of how the schedule for the pets and kids go, and make sure I have everything packed and ready.

Now, it is Tuesday the 4th and I am doubting this whole vacation. I told my boyfriend maybe he should take a vacation while I still go to work… I am just worrying about funds and money.

Anyway, I am sure things will be okay.

I am sending out good vibes and warm wishes to you all!

Back at work…

Work, work, work… I sit at a desk and stare at a computer screen, while make phone calls. My eyes and brain hurt from this day after day. But, in about a month I should be getting much needed rest! Yep, today my week long vacation was approved for next month. I am excited and can’t wait!

I hope you all have a wonderful day and week!

I am sending out good vibes and warm wishes to you all!

Camping this past weekend

We took our kids camping this past weekend and had a blast!

Our kids, two tents, no cell ohones, cooler weather, and the beautiful outdoors… who could ask for more?

It was absolutely wonderful staying outside the whole weekend and camping out. We cooked over the fire and it was delicious. Our kids even had fun. They got to carve sticks, make a see-saw, and run around outside the whole time. It was definitely refreshing!

This type of fun definitely needs to happen again…. and soon!!!

By the way, this was 2 weeks ago…

I am sending out good vibes and warm wishes to you all!

Could a vacation be in the future?

Is it possible for an actual, planned beach trip be in our future before the kids go back to school? Maybe! If we plan for it, it is possible. Yes, I am going to try and actually plan for a weekend vacation to the beach… for the end of next month. So, hopefully since we are planning 1 month ahead of time, the plans will actually follow through. I don’t know though. I guess the only thing I can say is… we will see. I can hope it happens. Well, I need to look up some more information. Either I plan more, or… I finish reading this one book!