How nerdy do you want to go?

This is the question I proposed to my boyfriend this morning about our Halloween costumes this year. Sure we were nerdy the past couple of years. 2 years ago we went as The Mad Hatter (in black and white) and Harley Quinn. Our costumes matched and looked really good together. We took 2nd place at a costume party, even though we probably should have won. Last year we wore matching steampunk costumes. We even had the awesome homemade accessories to go with it.

Now, we have had the privilege of taking all of the kids these past few years together. This coming Halloween is the first one in 3 years that we will not have them all to take trick-or-treating. We will only have my son to take. Hopefully, he does not get depressed and sad about this and tries to have a good time. He misses the other kids when they are not around.

Also, I hope my son doesn’t get embarrassed by his parents who wants to wear their costumes to go trick-or-treating with him. This year, I think that we may go more nerdy than we have in the past. I am sure that most of you are thinking that we were already nerdy with our previous choices… well, we can and will go even more nerdy!

I am open to suggestions for costumes for this year. Just leave your suggestions in the comments.

I am sending out good vibes and warm wishes for you all.

Oh how the time flies…

Geez these weeks keep passing by so fast. I honestly don’t know where the time goes.

And now, it is Tuesday again… I have been fighting some junk for a few days now. All day Sunday I slept, Monday I worked, and today I feel like I need to be in bed again. I didn’t come to work until a couple hours later so I could try and rest more. I am sitting at work feeking horrible and needing more rest. Ugh… this sucks.

And now it’s Friday… October 31st… HALLOWEEN! Seriously, where did the time go? I haven’t been sleeping very well either due to waking up and hacking my lungs and throat up because of this cough and cold I have. It sucks. I have crap coming out when I cough and my throat is on fire.

And now, it is Monday November 3rd. Yep, I don’t know where this time going, but it is flying! I now have less than 4 days before our vacation. I have so much left to get done. On top of having to work everyday, I have to go to the doctor, finish cleaning the house, make sure I write out a step by step list of how the schedule for the pets and kids go, and make sure I have everything packed and ready.

Now, it is Tuesday the 4th and I am doubting this whole vacation. I told my boyfriend maybe he should take a vacation while I still go to work… I am just worrying about funds and money.

Anyway, I am sure things will be okay.

I am sending out good vibes and warm wishes to you all!

Halloween last night!

So, last night was awesome! Me and my boyfriend dressed up to take the kids trick or treating. His mom and one of his sisters came and dressed up too. I was, again, the Harlequin, my boyfriend was The Mad Hatter, his sister had half a sugar skull face, his mom was a witch (with ghosts and a moon and trees on her eyelids), 2 of our boys were power rangers, our oldest daughter was a medieval/renaissance princess, and oldest son was a black knight! We had so much fun! They collectively collected around 10 pounds, if not more, of candy! They had a blast! While we were walking, at one of the houses we stopped at, there were 2 adult redneck males, one was walking with a glass of brown liquor and was obviously drunk, yelling at each other. WHAT THE FUCK?? Seriously, who the fuck gets drunk and takes their kids trick or treating, and can’t even put the drink down to walk with them. There is no reason for that. You don’t even need to have kids if you can’t even have a good time with your kids on Halloween. Ugh, well that’s my rant about that. Now, back on track… unfortunately I had to see my sister and niece last night. I did, on the plus side, get to see my brother, pregnant sister in law, and nephew too. Overall, it was a great night!

Oh yeah, my boyfriend ordered the jager shot meister last night. It was half price, yesterday only. And, today, I am going to the liquor store to pick up a new bottle of Jager Spice (the abc store just got one shipment in) and a bottle of Ice 101! I am excited about this. We will not be attending the club this weekend, but instead drinking and relaxing at our own home. Also, once I get home today after work, I will posting a few pics from Halloween. I hope that you all had a wonderful night and enjoy the weekend!

I may post pictures!

So, I am pleased to announce the my boyfriend has finally gotten his raise. Then, in a little over a week he starts his new position with the company with an even larger rate of pay.

With this check he has already purchased our Halloween costumes! He is going as the mad hatter and I am going as harley quinn. I am super  excited. Our outfits compliment the other so very well. Also, I have some fake nails that I sharpened into points that I will paint and be wearing. We will be wearing these costumes tomorrow night at the club. I actually think my butt looks acceptable and hott in the costume. I think we are going to have a good night!

On top of that stuff, we may have a couple to possibly play with. Or either I may have a chick to play with! She is cute and seems nice. They engaged us, so I guess we will see where things go! Maybe I could run those nails up the chicks back!

Also, my boyfriend and I are coming up on our 2 year anniversary! That and divorces from exes may be under way… so, maybe some time next year we could marry!

Life is unpredictable, but it sure is fun and exciting when you have the right partner. I am the luckiest lady to have found my boyfriend.

We also bought a couple pumpkins to carve with our kids. I get so excited when it comes to taking the kids trick or treating. I enjoy seeing how much fu n they have! They enjoy it so much, almost as much as we, their parents, do. Hopefully we can arrange for all 5 kids to be with us going around!

P.S. Someone remind me to post some pics fron this weekend.

Happy Halloween??

So, today is Halloween, but is it Happy? I think right now that my day and night could go either way. I am hoping to get some stuff done before we head out and let our 3 pirates loose on the local neighborhoods.  I want to get all the dishes taken care of, the laundry done (including not just washed, but folded and put up as well), and dinner a bit earlier. I want the kids to get homework done right away when they get home after school.

I feel a bit uneasy today though. Earlier my boyfriend stopped by and said he had to go pick up the youngest munchkin from her mother. I fell asleep around 15 minutes after he had left and woke up as I heard the car pull back into the driveway. When my boyfriend came in, I made a comment on my observation that it seemed to take quite a while to go pick her up, as I had checked the time before he walked in the house. I got dressed as he was saying that I say that everytime he goes to get her, and then he goes to go shave in the bathroom before heading back to work. I got done dressing and went to make sure that the “Lil Miss” had light in the room and to pick up the pencils and pens that I knew the older kids had left out, as I did not want her thinking she can use them on the walls or anything. Well, my boyfriend gets done shaving and before heading out the door he halfway hugs and kisses me and tells me he loves me… then, he slams the doors shut as he walks out and even seems to slam the car door when he gets in. He seemed pissed off. I don’t understand, is he pissed that I made the comment on my observation? I am not understanding why the attitude. When things like this occur I just want to stop talking and not communicate at all. There is no reason for such an attitude about a comment like that unless there is some reason that the time span should not be noticed.

Anyway, back to today… Well, our kids are going to be pirates! Yes, all 3 will be sporting homemade pirate outfits. Red vests, white long sleeved shirts, cut off gray or tan pants, a pirate hat, an eye patch, a red bandana, and a sword! Oh, and I must not forget the “gold jewelry”. Hopefully we will have enough time to get the makeup and other cosmetic things done in time for the trick-or-treating fest. I want all of you to have a wonderful holiday and enjoy all the candy!