I have interstitial cystitis. This is painful and irritating enough as it is. Since I have IC, it causes other health problems such as irritable bowel and fibromyalgia. Now, since I have these… they all seem to flare at the same time. Yesterday was horrible and today it is bad too. I have been at work since 10 til 8 this morning and in 2 hours time, I have gone to the bathroom 4 times already, and I have to go again. My senses are over active now. My legs and back area hurt to the touch. It feels as if my vagina wants to fold outward.

Now, I recently got a new job. Although I am allowed to use the bathroom, I am trying to limit my time away from my desk. Again, in a 2 hour period I have gone 4 times already, and I still feel like I need to go.

I want all this to be gone by this weekend. I want to go back to the club with my boyfriend this weekend. He didn’t spend almost $100 on an outfit to wear to the club just for us to stay at home because my body feels like shit. No, I refuse to give in to this pain. I am used to it by now, and I will ignore it as long as I can. Unless the pain gets like it did yesterday, then it becomes hard to function. Meh, oh well, no worries. I will be alright.

I want to ignore the pain, dress up, go to the club, and have my boyfriend slide his fingers in my wet pussy whenever he wants. I don’t want to start getting intimate and all of a sudden there be pain. NO, I refuse to let that happen.

Speaking of this weekend, and outfits, the club is having a theme party on Saturday. The theme of Saturday is a Pirate/Wench evening. My boyfriend purchased a pirate outfit and I am not wearing any under garments. My DD boobs are going to be out and about, as well as my vagina… I may make a few adjustments to the skirt part to see if I can make it shorter.

I know that my subjects change when I post. My posts are also, unorganized and sloppy. With that said, I do not care. This is the way that the thoughts come to me. This is how my brain works and this is how I will convey it.

Anyway, tomorrow is the last day of work for this week and I can not wait until Saturday. It should be a blast!

Oh and if anybody has any useful information on ecstasy, I am all eyes!… I have taken it once before, but I didn’t feel a thing and I was highly disappointed. I am wondering if I should give it another try.

Happy Halloween??

So, today is Halloween, but is it Happy? I think right now that my day and night could go either way. I am hoping to get some stuff done before we head out and let our 3 pirates loose on the local neighborhoods.  I want to get all the dishes taken care of, the laundry done (including not just washed, but folded and put up as well), and dinner a bit earlier. I want the kids to get homework done right away when they get home after school.

I feel a bit uneasy today though. Earlier my boyfriend stopped by and said he had to go pick up the youngest munchkin from her mother. I fell asleep around 15 minutes after he had left and woke up as I heard the car pull back into the driveway. When my boyfriend came in, I made a comment on my observation that it seemed to take quite a while to go pick her up, as I had checked the time before he walked in the house. I got dressed as he was saying that I say that everytime he goes to get her, and then he goes to go shave in the bathroom before heading back to work. I got done dressing and went to make sure that the “Lil Miss” had light in the room and to pick up the pencils and pens that I knew the older kids had left out, as I did not want her thinking she can use them on the walls or anything. Well, my boyfriend gets done shaving and before heading out the door he halfway hugs and kisses me and tells me he loves me… then, he slams the doors shut as he walks out and even seems to slam the car door when he gets in. He seemed pissed off. I don’t understand, is he pissed that I made the comment on my observation? I am not understanding why the attitude. When things like this occur I just want to stop talking and not communicate at all. There is no reason for such an attitude about a comment like that unless there is some reason that the time span should not be noticed.

Anyway, back to today… Well, our kids are going to be pirates! Yes, all 3 will be sporting homemade pirate outfits. Red vests, white long sleeved shirts, cut off gray or tan pants, a pirate hat, an eye patch, a red bandana, and a sword! Oh, and I must not forget the “gold jewelry”. Hopefully we will have enough time to get the makeup and other cosmetic things done in time for the trick-or-treating fest. I want all of you to have a wonderful holiday and enjoy all the candy!