
Yes, let me procrastinate a little more…. I could possibly have a little depression going on. I want to sleep a lot. I do clean some (we have clean clothes to wear), I go to school (I still have homework to do that is due tomorrow), and I work (even though our hours have been cut some due to less orders). However,  I do get this wave pf depression when my love and partner of life leaves to go to work. When he is here I just want to stay cuddled in bed, and when he is gone I want to stay cuddled in bed alone. Anyway,  I will figure this out.

I am sending out good vibes and warm wishes to you all!

On this day, Friday.

So today, I do not have school. I do not work. I do not have anything to do, but sit and rest if I chose. I am in my robe, sitting on the couch, and thinking of taking a nap.

I could be doing homework. I could be doing housework. There are other things I guess I could be doing, but resting seems like the best option right now.

I hope you all have a wonderful day!

I am sending out good vibes and warm wishes to you all!

Double damn…

I have had so many projects and homework going on lately that I haven’t posted. Well, I did pass all of my projects, but may have failed one single class. Ugh, the class was horrible and not taught very well, but at least I tried. Geez I hope I pass the rest. Well, tomorrow is the last day of classes for this semester and I am glad. Hopefully next semester I do better.

My classes

So far, my classes have been fun. I like school. I guess what I needed was to actually enjoy my studies and major. I feel so good lately, even when I don’t get as much sleep as I want.

My classes are intro to sustainable agriculture (which gives me all the basic info), agriculture maintenance (which is a shop course), soil science (which gives me the info about what soil is best for what plants and taking care of the soil), animal science (which explains all about how to take care of animals inside and out), and just some crummy college intro course (which sucks, but is easy).

I have learned quite a bit ao far this semester. I may only be doing okay, but at least I am trying. I am working, have kids, crazy schedules, and am going to school. I do like every minute of it though.


Yes, I am going to go back to school. I start the fall semester next month. I am really excited and really nervous. I have not been to school in a long time. I do hope this works out. I actually registered, applied for financial aid, and I have my courses lined up.

Now, I am waiting to pay for classes, buy books and supplies, and start classes. Again, I am nervous.

My course of study will be Sustainable Agriculture. This will also help me and my family learn to become self sustainable and have a sustainable homestead. I look forward to learning and putting my brain to work.

I think, however, before classes start, I will need to change my name with the college and the financial aid too. I will need to figure out how to do that, without screwing my financial aid and admissions up.

Anyway, I hope you all have a wonderful week.

I am sending out good vibes and warm wishes to you all!

I want to smack a few people… with a brick.

Our exes… they are horrible people…. period. Stupid, ignorant, hateful, and selfish people. Ahhh…. but, the laws in this country continue to let these people be around.

We are already in a custody disputes with 2 of the exes… now, the 3rd is about to start.

We were all set to get the boys who were staying with their grandma. We had them registered for school and were set to pick them up in a couple of days, so their grandma could enjoy the last weekend with them… then, we got a call saying their sorry ass fucking egg donor walked into the grandma’s house, grabbed the boys and some of their stuff, and then just walked out without a damn word. She has not really even been involved with them in 3 years. Now, she does this. She said it’s because she would not have rights to them at all if we had them here with their older sister.WHAT THE FUCK???? Seriously, how the fuck can this happen? Oh right, our government and laws are broken.

Some people are not meant to be parents and have kids, but yet they reproduce anyway. The wrong parent gets custody of the kids all the time. This is yet another reason why our society has gone downhill.

Anyway, I am sending out good vibes and warm wishes to you all!

I need to play catch the hell up!

I have so much to tell you all about… everything from a few swinger’s parties, our own swinger’s party, being accused of stealing from a prominent store, having our boys taken from their grandma’s house by their crazy mother, us wanting to trade our vehicle in, feeling sick, having to use a raincheck at the swinger’s club, our kids starting school, and just the normal updates from week to week.

Today is Wednesday!

We have had eventful weeks and weekends lately.

With our parties, our kids being on vacation, our kids coming home, us about to get our other 2 boys full time, and with is going to the gym to work out, we’ve been busy!

Tomorrow night is our school’s open house! Our kids start school on Monday. Geez, they are growing up.

We are even going to another party this Friday night. I hope it is a ton of fun. We are excited. And, 2 weeks from this coming Friday we are having our own swinger’s party. Yep, our first party and it is going to be rainbow themed.

My goodness though, I am tired. We went to the gym this morning and my body needs more rest. I can keep going like this… but that doesn’t mean that I like it. I feel obligated to stay up because my boyfriend can’t stand going to bed before 10. My body,  however, and my brain do not know how to function unless they get enough proper rest and sleep. And, if we’re getting up at 5:50 am then, my brain and body are definitely not getting enough rest. Oh well…. I can do this!!!

I am strong and willing to continue. I must continue and not quit. My boyfriend encourages me and makes me feel great about myself. The least I could do is return the favor.

Another weekend on the horizon… well, duh, time doesn’t stand still…

Yep, after work tomorrow we will start another weekend. And, this up and coming weekend is full of plans. I have to shave tonight because I will not have time to do so after work tomorrow. Then, we have a house party to attend tomorrow night. Then, we have to leave the party early so my boyfriend can attend a pre-release for MTG (Magic The Gathering). Saturday, I am not quite sure what our day plans are, but that night we are going to the club. Also, we are taking a single male friend with us to the club. We are not taking him for our use, but taking him because he really wants to go. Then, on Sunday I get to drive my boyfriend to the airport. He is flying to NY for work training. That drive is around 3 hours and then, I get to drive back home… hopefully, I will be able to have a riding companion. I do not want to fall asleep on the way back. Once I get back, I will be lonely.

The start of the new work week will begin the following day before 7 am. Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday are going to be ssdd… but, then after work on Wednesday I will drive another 3 hours to go pick my boyfriend back up from the airport. I am going to have to either switch Thursday with the teenager or just not go in at all.

Also, a few things… I went to the specialist for my IC and I have revised my plan for my medications. I am going to be tapering off of most of my medications, which is great, but then I am also going to be giving myself another catheter too. So, I will be taking less medication, but adding another catheter. I hope that this works out for my body. I do not like taking medications like this. Hopefully, I will be free of almost all pill medicines in about 2 months.

And, on another subject, both of our oldest kids are going on field trips next week! Our oldest son gets to go to the zoo and our oldest daughter gets to go watch a play at the local high school.

I have one more thing…. I love music. I dig all flavors and styles of music, it just depends on what mood I am in. I, however, do not like songs in where the words are repeated over and over with nothing new to say. I listen to it, but that does not mean that I have to like it. Yes, I understand that most singers get more play on the radio with a catchy hook or chorus, but it does not need to be all that comprises a song. And, it has started to get on my nerves hearing singers not properly articulate their words. Such as, “don’t cha”, or when a singer is supposed to say “you” but says “choo” instead.

Ugh, no wonder our future generation’s speech and language skills have dropped. If their role models can not speak properly then, how can we expect the generation to do so? They don’t even teach cursive writing in school anymore. Everybody is abbreviating their words and this is becoming acceptable today. And, electronics today… they take precedence over books and written language. I think that everyone should take courses to refresh their language skills, vocabulary, and even writing skills.

Okay, well… I hope that you all have a wonderful day. I am sending out warm wishes and good vibes to you all.

Feeling stronger every day…

So, last week I paid a lawyer to get on the task of a divorce and custody. I am scared, but relieved that I will finally have things legally taken care of. Then, on top of that… we had all 5 of our kids this weekend! I was so very happy about that. Oh yeah… we all had a ton of fun!

Oh my goodness, I am really worried about our boys who stay with my boyfriend’s mom. Things over there are getting worse and my last nerve about that has broken. My boyfriend said he will talk to his lawyer about what all he should do. Then, hopefully very soon within the next month… we will have the boys with us as well. So, then we will constantly have 4 children 24/7. And, when this happens… me and my boyfriend have agreed to turn the extra room into the girl’s room. The one that the kids stay in now will be the boy’s room. And, eventually when we can afford it, we will get another set of bunk beds. That one will have a third trundle.

I am looking forward to this very much. I want our boys to be in a healthier and safer environment. This is what they need. When we are able to transfer them to the school our other kids go to, that will be awesome for them all as well. I can only imagine the ways that they will grow and flourish under our roof. I can not wait!

Also, as I said earlier, I paid for a lawyer to get my divorce and custody handled. Yep, hopefully this will go well and not make me too stressed and crazy. I felt an immense amount of relief just paying for the lawyer. And, with my amazingly supportive boyfriend, I feel stronger everyday to make it through this. Once, the divorce is final, I will be taking back my maiden name. I am looking forward to that. I would no longer have to have this last name haunt me everyday.

Last week, and in the weeks to come, we have been very busy. The day will come when our lives are not so stressing and “on the go”. We will be able to relax and know that everything is alright. I hope that day is sooner rather than later.

I hope that you all have had a wonderful week and are staying healthy, happy, and safe! I am sending out good vibes to you all.