Late night thoughts

1. I love cats!
2. If my cat wakes me up again, she will be sprayed with the bottle.
3. Damn, why do I have to work in the morning?
4. I want more tattoos.
5. I want to finish my book, but that may mean I have to start over.
6. I wish I had different magical powers.
7. I want a tarot reading, palm reading, and my future read.
8. I want to write down and stick to a 5 year plan. As well as, smaller short term goals.
9. I wish I knew someone who would trade a van, with more seating, for my car. (She has seen better days and may not last too much longer. And, I can not afford any other payments.)
10. One of my son’s birthdays is Thursday and I do not know what to get for him.
11. I would actually like to celebrate my 30th birthday at some point in time, but that just means drinking the wine I was given as a gift.
12. At some point in time I would like to stop thinking of my birthday as bad luck.
13. I would like to use my ouija board at some point in time.
14. My eyes are starting to feel tired.
15. How can one person love so much?
16. I am nervous about school.
17. I need to check on my financial aid tomorrow.
18. I went to New York and I loved it!
19. I forgot to post about driving to New York to go bury my boyfriend’s grandpa.
20. Sometimes I wish I were not as skeptical and pessimistic, but I also feel it has helped me.
21. Now, it is time for me to try and sleep.

Good night everyone.

I am sending out good vibes and warm wishes to you all!