More energy?

I recently started doing daily exercises before work and walking after work. I have even changed my medication routine. I try to be in bed and asleep for at least a complete 8 hours before my alarm is set to go off. I have also started drinking a cup of coffee about every other morning. Now, with this new routine of my week, I feel like I may be becoming less stressed and more energetic.

Also, I have started to try and be less worried about daily stresses. Such as, I try not to worry about bills and money problems as much as I used to. It was a daily struggle in my head over money and how it is being spent, bills, and so on and so forth. Now, when we get a bill I try to tell myself that everything will be okay and that we will have the money to pay our bills. If I stay conscious of my brain and thoughts towards these things, then I can push the stress away.  It seems to be working.

With me doing my exercises before work and walking after, I feel I do better when I am by myself. Now, my boyfriend has mentioned wanting to get back into working out as well. His thing about working out is that he does better with someone there with him. I am wondering if I should try and do it with him. I could give it a try I guess.

Well, I hope that within about a month, I will be in better shape and be able to put a more revealing bathing suit on and not feel as if I look disgusting. I like the shape of my butt, am finally comfortable with the shape and size of my tits, and generally like my thighs. What I am mostly wanting to fix is my energy level, my overall health, toning my bottom half a bit more, and making my “mom” tummy flat again! Again, I hope to achieve this within about a month.

Well, I hope that you all have a wonderful day. I am sending out good vibes and warm thoughts to you all.