Why does that hurt?

Do you ever wonder why certain body parts hurt, especially when you are certain that you did nothing to cause it harm? Well, yesterday the heel of my foot started to hurt, throbbing with pain. I tried sleeping last night, but all during my sleep my foot was hurting so much I was half awake all night. I could still feel it in my sleep. I took some aspirin and ibuprofen before bed and when my boyfriend got home from work I took another aspirin. It was still hurting, but the pain had eased off some. I wake this morning and it is in pain again. Even while at work right now, my heel is throbbing and hurting. I can not think of anything that I did to cause this pain, but I am trying to keep it elevated and I took my shoes off. If any of you have any other suggestions, I will welcome them. I hope that this pain goes away soon.

Oh, on a lighter note, I was awake and got the kids ready on time this morning! I even had enough time to fix coffee and pack a breakfast. I brought an English muffin with a side of apple butter, cinnamon apple oatmeal, and a banana. It was delicious.

Hopefully, I get some responses on this! I hope that you all have a wonderful week!