New meds…

So, yesterday I went to the doctor for my ic. We discussed my pain, my frequent urination, and my meds. I do not really want to keep taking meds, but he definitely thinks they can help. So, to also alleviate some of my pain, he prescribed a muscle relaxer that I have to take twice a day. And, he is scheduling me for a cystoscopy with hydrodistintion.

Last night I took the muscle relaxer and fell asleep rather quickly and I think soundly. When I woke up this morning,  I took my other muscle relaxer. I would say I feel like maybe I’ve been drinking a bit, and I am currently fighting this extremely overwhelming need to fall asleep. I already warned my boss about my possible loopiness.

Hopefully, sometime this week I will get a call about the procedure and go ahead and schedule that. The first doctor that did that procedure on me did it wrong. I was awake for the whole thing, and it caused so much pain. It was horrible. With the new one, I will be put under and it will be done correctly!

Now, I just have to make it the next few hours. Then, I can go home. I look forward to going home. I will rest and quite possibly fall asleep… geez I wonder how tonight will go after another one of these muscle relaxers!

I hope you all have a wonderful day and enjoy this beautiful weather. I enjoy the colder weather, and enjoy being able to wear my sweaters and cold weather accessories.

2 days

On Tuesday of this up and coming week I will be headed to see the super specialist for my interstitial cystitis.

Hopefully this guy will have more insight on how to help! I don’t want to always feel like I have to pee, or hurt when I pee, have pain during sex, or even have the urge to pee frequently when nothing comes out.

I have already been prescribed anti-depressants to calm my bladder but they don’t help. I would rather not be on those kinds of meds, they make me feel worse than before. The other doctors also suggested meds be entered directly into my bladder… hah that is not going to happen. It hurt enough as it did getting the tests to look into my bladder.

I understand that this doctor might do the same thing, which makes me cringe. Hopefully it won’t be too bad though.